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  • 第1页:练习试题
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
Eating a Mediterranean-style diet--packed with fruits,vegetables,legumes(豆类),nuts,olive oil and fish—is good for your heart. many studies have found. Now scientists are suggesting the diet may be good for your mental health,too.
A study of over 10,000 Spaniards followed for almost four and half years on average found that those who reported eating a healthy Mediterranean diet at the beginning of the study were about half as likely to develop depression than those who said they did not stick to the diet.
All of the participants were free of depression when they were recruited to the study,and each filled out a 136-item food frequency questionnaire when they joined. Based on their self-reported dietary habits,they were assigned a score between 0 and 9,with the highest score reflecting the closest sticking to a Mediterranean diet.
Over time,those who had scored between 5 and 9 on the Mediterranean diet were 42 percent to 51 percent less likely to develop depression,the study found,than those who scored between 0 and 2.
The study does not prove a cause—and-effect relationship between the Mediterranean diet and a lower risk for depression,only an association between the tw0.Still,many scientists are convinced that some damaging processes involved in cardiovascular(心脏血管的)disease may also play a role in mental health.
“Both cardiovascular disease and depression share common mechanisms,”said Dr. Miguel Angel Martinez. Gonzalez,professor of preventive medicine at University of Navarra in Pamplona, Spam,and senior author of the paper,published in the October issue of Archives of General Psychiatry.
 The membranes(细胞膜)of our nerve cell are composed of fat,so the quality of fat that you are eating definitely has all influence on the quality of the neuron membranes,and the body’s combination of neurotransmitters is dependent on the vitamins you’re eating.” Dr. Martinez. Gonzalez added.  “We think those least sticking to the Mediterranean dietary plan have a deficiency of essential nutrients.’’
The elements of the diet most closely linked to a lower risk of depression were fruits nuts and legumes,the study found.

Scientists have proved that a Mediterranean-style diet _____.
A.helps develop a healthy heart
B.results in a healthy mind
C.is popular among Spaniards
D.contains little fat


A.They came in five different colors. 
B.They were good value for money.
C.They were a very good design.  
D.They were s01d out very quickly.


A. It is especially attractive to children and the young.
B. It is the first choice of vacationers on the Continent.
C. It is as comfortable as living in a permanent house.
D. It is an inexpensive way .of spending a holiday.


A.He was returning home from a party.
B.He just got off work when he saw the UFO.
C.He was driving home from a restaurant.
D.He was driving home from a cinema.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

A.It helps the body to digest food.
B.It keeps milk fresh.
C.It helps the body to absorb calcium.
D.It prevents sunburn.

Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage.
Language is, and should be, a living thing, constantly enriched with new words and forms of expression. But there is a vital distinction between good developments, which add to the language, enabling us to say things we could not say before, and bad developments, which subtract from the language by rendering it less precise. A vivacious, colorful use of words is not to be confused with mere slovenliness. The kind of slovenliness in which some professionals deliberately indulge is perhaps akin to the cult (迷信) of the unfinished work, which has eroded most of the arts in our time. And the true answer to it is the same that art is enhanced, not hindered, by discipline. You cannot carve satisfactorily in butter.
The corruption of written English has been accompanied by an even sharper decline in the standard of spoken English. We speak very much less well than was common among educated Englishmen a generation or two ago.
The modem theatre has played a baneful (有害的) part in dimming our appreciation of language. Instead of the immensely articulate dialogue of, for example, Shaw (who was also very insistent on good pronunciation),audiences are now subjected to streams of barely literate trivia, often designed, only too well, to exhibit 'lack of communication', and larded (夹杂) with the obscenities (下流的话) and grammatical errors of the intellectually impoverished. Emily Post once advised her readers: "The theatre is the best possible place to hear correctly-enunciated speech. " Alas, no more. One young actress was recently reported to be taking lessons in how to speak badly, so that she should fit in better.
But the BBC is the worst traitor. After years of very successfully helping to raise the general standard of spoken English, it suddenly went into reverse. As the head of the Pronunciation Unit coyly (含蓄地) put it, "In the 1960s the BBC opened the field to a much wider range of speakers." To hear a BBC disc jockey talking to the latest ape-like pop idol is a truly shocking experience of verbal squalor. And the prospect seems to be of even worse to come. School teachers are actively encouraged to ignore little Johnny's incoherent grammar, atrocious spelling and haphazard punctuation, because worrying about such things might inhibit his creative genius.
The writer relates linguistic slovenliness to tendencies in the arts today in that they both __________.
A.occasionally aim at a certain fluidity
B.appear to shun perfection
C.from time to time show regard for the finishing touch
D.make use of economical short cuts

7、For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about a classmate of yours who has influenced you most in college. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but no more. than   180  words.



10、Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessay on the following question. You should write least 120 words butno more than 180 words.Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your campus,what is the most interesting placeyou would like to take himher to seeand why?

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