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  • 第1页:练习试题
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.    
Once the hard decisions have been made about how to treat a patient’s cancer,doctors face aul even more difficult question:how do you help patients deal with the side effects of treatment?
The issue is a challenge for physicians because,unlike with cancer therapies,there are few scientific studies on the most effective ways to handle the side effects  including common symptoms such as poor sleep or fatigue.But addressing these seemingly coluinon complications(并发症)is crucial for helping patients maintain their regular lifestyle,which in turn may even encourage the success of their cancer treatment.
    That’s why Dr.Karen Mustian of the University of Rochester Medical Center decided to put a favorite practice of cancer survivors yoga--to the test.In a paper she will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology(肿瘤学)(Asco)annual meeting in June,Mustian designed a standardized program based on hatha yoga—a slow-moving form of the discipline-and tested its effect on improving:the quality of life for cancer survivors.
    Called YOCAS,the four-week program involved sessi。ons of hatha yoga twice a week for 75 minutes each,in combination with breathing exercises and meditation(冥想).Among the 410 participants,who were divided into yoga and traditional follow-up care groups,those practicing yoga recorded nearly double the improvement in sleep quality and reduction of fatigue compared to those not practicing yoga.They also reported better quality of life overall,Mnstian says.
    For cancer physicians.the findings will be a welcome addition to their discussions with patients.“Many patients ask about complementary(互补的)therapies,whether they are exercise or meditation or yoga,”says Dr,Douglas Blayney,medical director of the comprehensive cancer center at University of Michigan and president of ASCO.“I often don’t know what to tell them because there isn't a lot of science on these complementary therapies.Here is a scientific study showing benefit,so at least we can have some assurance in telling women that here is a yoga program,here are its characteristics and it has been shown to have beneficial effects on sleep and quality of life.’’

What bothers the cancer physicians after determining the treatment plan?
A.How to prevent the side effects from appearing.
B.How to handle the side effects effectively.
C.How to persuade the patient to accept the therapy.
D.How to prove effectiveness of the treatment.

Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
A lot of people instinctively believe--without really knowing-that poor readers are not especially smart. 
A new study by researchers at the Yale School of Medicine and the University of California at Davis explains how it is that(36)bright and accomplished people can have great difficulty reading.
What gets in the way of many people’s ability to read is word blindness. It is all unexpected difficulty in reading in people who have the intelligence and motivation thought to be necessary to be(37)  readers.
The brains of people with word blindness have difficulty taking images that they see or hear and turning it into(38)language,explained researcher Sally E. Shaywitz. This means that someone with word blindness not only has (39)reading but may also have difficulty speaking quickly. Typical readers can (40) recognize words after seeing them a few times;those with word blindness don’t.
The new study(41)evidence for the first time showing that the (42)between IQ and reading over time is not the same for readers with word blindness as it is for typical readers.
In people without word blindness,intelligence and reading do in fact connect and can (43) each other over time. But in those with word blindness,IQ and reading are not (44)over time and do not have an effect on each other..
“People expect that if you are a very good reader you must be very smart and if you don’t read well you must not be so smart,”said Shaywitz.
“Word blindness is a paradox(矛盾)because it violates that(45) ,”she said. “You can NOT  be a great reader and be exceptionally smart.’’
A. conclusion
B. fluent
C. understandable
D. exceedingly
E. automatically
F. provides
G. influence
H. trouble
I. linked
J. proves
K. considerate
L. selectively
M. assumption
N relationship
O. contacted


Questions 61 to 65 are based on the following passage. 
Most of us are neither pilots nor astronauts. We are not trained to steer large hulks of steel and gasoline while manipulating small computers. So there’s something blindingly obvious about the risks of texting while driving. Yet research is beginning to show that driving while simply talking on a cell phone—including using hands-free technology--can prove dangerous,even deadly. 
In late July,the Center for Auto Safety released hundreds of pages of a study that identified the cell phone as a serious safety hazard when used on the road. And though it’s impossible to accurately calculate how many car accidents nationwide are cell phone related, David Strayer, a psychology professor at the University of Utah,estimates that only 2%of people are able to safely multitask while driving. 
Strayer, who for more than a decade has been studying the effects driving and cell-phone use have on the brain,says those 296 are probably the same people who would be really good fighter pilots. Rarities. Some of Strayer's other findings show that most drivers tend to stare straight ahead while using a cell phone and are less influenced by peripheral vision(周边视觉). In other words,“cell phones,”he says,“make you blind to your own bad driving. ’’
And even though the common assumption is that hands—free technology has reduced the more dangerous side effects of cell-phone use,a series of tests conducted by Strayer seems to indicate the opposite. A passenger acted as another set of eyes for the driver in the test and even stopped or started talking depending on the difficulty of conditions outside the car. Meanwhile,half the drivers talking on a hands-free phone failed,bypassing(绕过)the rest area the test had called for them to stop at. 
Part of the problem may be that when people direct their attention to sound,the visual capacity of their brain decreases,says Steven Yantis,a professor of psychological and brain sciences at Johns Hopkins University. It can be as if a driver is seeing the image in her head of the person she is talking to,there by decreasing her ability to see what’s actually in front of her. 

The passage is intended for emphasizing the safety issue on __________. 
A.working on computers 
B.traveling in space
C.using a cell phone
D.driving a ear


A. Since he found a girlfriend.
B. Since he took to heavy smoldng.
C. Since he began to exercise regularly.
D. Since he started to live on his own.

5、Questions are based on the following passage.
Energy independence.It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? If you think so, you're not alone, because energy independence has been the dream of American presidents for decades, and never more so than in the past few years, when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.
 “Energy independence” and its rhetorical(修辞的) companion “energy security', are, however, slippery concepts that are rarely thought through.What is it we want independence from, exactly?
Most people would probably say that they want tobe independent from imported oil.But there are reasons that we buy all that off from elsewhere.
The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running.Yes, there is a trickle (涓涓细流)of biofuel (生物燃料) available, and more may become available, but most biofueis cause economic wasteand environmental destruction.
Second, Americans have basically decided that they don't really want to produce all their Own oil.They value the environmental quality they preserve, over their off imports from abroad.Vast areas of the United States are off-limits to off exploration and production in the name of environmental protection.To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports?
Third, there are benefits to trade.It allows for economic efficiency, and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do, we benefit.And although you don't read about this much, the United States is also a large exporter of off products, selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.
There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and, in fact, relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy.When that flow is interrupted, we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices.At the same time, we derive massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.
What does the author say about energy independence for America?
A.It sounds very attractive.
B.It ensures national security.
C.It will bring oil prices down. 
D.It has long been everyone's dream.


A.He was seriously injured.                    
B.He was wrongly diagnosed.
C.He developed a strange disease.              
D.He suffered a nervous breakdown.


A.To show off their wealth.
B.To feel good.
C.To regain their memory.
D.To be different from others.


A. Family debts.
B. Bank savings.
C. Monthly bills.
D. Spending habits.


10、 在中国,人们对一切艺术的艺术,即生活的艺术,懂得很多。一个较为年轻的国家可能会致力于进步;然而一个古老的文明国度,自然在人生的历程上见多识广,她所感兴趣的自然是如何过好生活。就中国而言,由于有了中国的人文主义精神,把人当作一切事物的中心,把人类幸福当作知识的终结,于是,强调生活的艺术就是更为自然的事情了。但即使没有人文主义,-个古老的文明也一定会有一个不同的价值尺度,只有这样.它才会知道仟么是“持久的生活乐趣”。任何一个民族,如果它不知道如何享受生活,那么,在我们的眼里,这个民族一定是粗野的、不文明的。

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