

来源:233网校 2018年3月14日
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Every year landslides (滑坡) cause 25 to 50 deaths and $1.5 billion in damage in the United States. They account for 15 percent of the deaths from natural disasters in Europe. And there was ever a single event killed more than 200 people in the Philippines. Sending workers to stabilize mountainsides using steel bars and cement (水泥) can help prevent disasters, but it introduces new difficulties. Shaking drills produce harmful dust and loosen heavy, dangerous debris (岩屑).

"It′ s quite a risky job," says Giorgio Pezzuto of D′ Appolonia," an engineering company in Italy.

D′Appolonia, working with eight other companies, may have an answer: a three-ton robot called Roboclimber. "The idea is to operate a machine far away that can drill without a human be-ing on board," says Pezzuto, the manager for the project, which is supported by the European Commission. Engineers claim that the machine will be faster and cheaper than manual labor. The robot, a large radio-controlled four-legged mechanical spider, has cost at least $ 2 million so far.

The final product should be able to climb unstable mountainsides, drill holes, insert bars and ce-ment, and collect data on the stability. Testing should begin in May.

21[单选题] The underlined word“event”(Paragraph l)refers to__________.





22[单选题] What is the purpose in writing this text?

A.Telling people how serious the damage caused by landslides is.

B.Telling people that sending workers to stabilize mountainsides is a risky job.

C.Introducing a product that Can be used to stabilize mountainsides.

D.Showing people how to use a new product. .

23[单选题] What does the robot look like?

A.A human being.

B.A spider.

C.A truck.

D.A drill.

24[单选题] The biggest advantage of this product is that__________.

A.it will be faster and cheaper than manual labor

B.it can climb mountainsides,drill holes,insert bars and cement

C.it can collect data on the slope’s stability

D.it cail drill without a human being on board



Most people have had a dog or wanted one as their companion at some time in their lives, If you are thinking of buying a dog, however, you should first decide what sort of companion you need and whether the dog is likely to be happy in your house. Specialists′ (专家) advice is useful to help you choose the most suitable kind of dog. But in part the decision depends on common sense.

Different dogs were developed to perform specific tasks. So, if you want a dog to protect you or your house, for example, you should choose the one that has the right size and characteristics.

You must also be ready to devote(投入) a great deal of time to training the dog when it is young and give it the exercise it needs throughout its life, unless you live in the countryside and can let it run frecly.

Dogs are demanding pets. Cats love the house and so arc satisfactory with their place where there is secure, but a dog is loyal to its master and consequently wants him to show proof of his affection. The first consideration in buying a dog is whether the dog is likely to be happy in the surroundings you can provide. The best time to buy a baby dog is when it is between 6 and 8 weeks old so that it can transfer its love from its mother to its master. If baby dogs have not estab-lished a relationship with the human being until they arc over three months old, their strong rela-tionship will always be with dogs. They are likely to be too shy when they are brought out into the world to become good pets.

25[单选题] Wluch of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A.You Can always get help from the specialists.

B.It is common sense that is the most important when choosing a dog.

C.You should decide what kind of dog you want.

D.Size and characteristics of the dogs should be considered too.

26[单选题] What is mentioned as a consideration in buying a dog?

A.The color of the dog.

B.The price of the dog.

C.Whether the dog will fit the environment.

D.Whether the dog will get along with the other pets in the house.

27[单选题] Why is it advised to buy a baby dog under three months old?

A.It’s easier to buy a baby dog under three months old.

B.They are less likely to be shy with human beings.

C.They are less likely to run away.

D.It’s easier for them to form a relationship with their masters.




