

来源:233网校 2017年5月5日

Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

People travel for a lot of reasons. Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines.

Others are looking for culture, or simply want to have their pictures taken in front of famous

places. But most European tourists are looking for a sunny beach to lie on.

(77) Northern Europeans are willing to pay a lot of money and put up with a lot of inconveniences for the sun because they have so little of it. Residents of cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam spend a lot of their winter in the dark because the days are so short, and much of the rest of the year in the rain. This is the reason why the Mediterranean has always attracted them. Every summer, more than 25 million people travel to Mediterranean resorts and beaches for their vacation. They all come for the same reason: sun!

The huge crowds mean lots of money for the economies of Mediterranean countries. Italy's 30,000 hotels are booked solid every summer. And 13 million people camp out on French beaches, parks and roadsides. Spain's long sandy coastline attracts more people than anywhere else. 37 million tourists visit yearly, or one tourist for every person living in Spain.

(78) But there are signs that the area is getting more tourists than it can handle. The Mediterranean is already one of the most polluted seas on earth. And with increased tourism, it's getting worse. The French can't figure out what to do with all the garbage left by campers around St. Tropez. And in many places, swimming is dangerous because of pollution.

None of this, however, is spoiling anyone's tim. The Mediterranean gets more popular every year with tourists. Obviously, they don't go there for clean water and solitude. They tolerate traffic jams and seem to like crowded beaches. They don't even mind the pollution. No matter how dirty the water is, the coastline still looks beautiful. And as long as the sun shines, it's still better than sitting in the cold rain in Berlin, London, or Oslo.

第1题  The writer seems to imply that Europeans travel mostly for the reason that__________

A.they want to see historic remains or religious spots

B.they are interested in different cultural traditions and social customs

C.they would like to take pictures in front of famous sites

D.they wish to escape from the cold, dark and rainy days back at home


第2题  In Paragraph 2, cities like London, Copenhagen, and Amsterdam are mentioned __________

A.to show that they are not good cities in terms of geography and climate

B.to tell us how wealthy their residents are

C.to suggest that these cities lack places of historic interest and scenic beauty

D.to prove that they have got more tourists than they can handle


第3题  According to the passage, which of the following countries attracts more tourists than the others?

A.Italy  B.Spain  C.France  D.Greece


第4题  The latter half of the last sentence in Paragraph 3, i.e., "or one tourist for every person living in Spain" means __________

A.all the 37 million people living in Spain are tourists

B.every year almost as many tourists visit Spain as there are people living in that country

C.every person living in Spain has to take care of a tourist

D.every Spaniard is visited by a tourist every year


第5题  According to the passage, which of the following factors might spoil the tourists' fun at Mediterranean resorts and beaches ?

A.Polluted water.  B.Crowded buses.  C.Traffic jams.  D.Rainy weather.


Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat.The usual problem is how to dispose of it.But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem--how to collect body heat.They have designed a collection system which utilizes not only body heat, but also the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs

and refrigerators as well.The system works so well that no conventional fuel is needed to make the campus's six buildings comfortable.

some parts of most modem buildings--theaters and offices as well as classrooms-are more than amply heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter.The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called"heat recovery."A few modem buildings recover heat, but the University's system is the first to recover heat from some buildings and re-use it in others.

Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its heat producers.The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off.(80) Male students emit more heat than female students do, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces.It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hardworking, overweight male genius.

第6题  Until recently, body heat has caused problems because it__________

A.was difficult to collect  B.came in a variety of forms

C.was difficult to get rid of  D.tended to be absorbed by physical objects


第7题  Which of the following is true of the heating system of the Johnstown campus?

A.The heat is supplied by human bodies only.

B.The heat is supplied by both human bodies and other heat-emitting objects.

C.The heat is supplied by both human bodies and conventional fuel.

D.The heat is supplied by human bodies, other heat-emitting objects, and conventional fuel.


第8题  The phrase"even in winter"(Lines 8 ~ 9) most nearly means __________

A.if the winter is especially warm  B.during all of the year except the winter

C.in winter as well as in other seasons  D.during the evenings in winter


第9题  The phrase"heat recovery"refers to a __________.

A.method of concealing the source of heat  B.special form of air-conditioning

C.supplementary hot water system  D.way of reclaiming and re-using heat


第10题  According to the passage which of the following would produce the LEAST amount of heat?

A.A fat female who studies har  D.  B.A thin female who does not study.

C.A fat male who does not study.  D.A thin male who studies hard.




