233网校- 英语四级英语四级

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1. M: Did you buy any of the sweaters that we are on sale?
W: Buy any? I got five of them. They were such a good bargain.
Q: What does the woman say about the sweaters?

2. W: I have trouble concentrating when my roommate talk so loud on her mobile phone.
M: why don’t you just ask her to lower her voice?
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?

3. W: Wendy’s in the basement, trying to fix the washing machine.
M: Shouldn’t she be working on her annual report?
Q: What does the man mean?

4. W: What happened to the painting that used to be on the wall?
M: It fell down and the glass broke. I’m having it reframed.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

5. M: You must have left the camera in the market. It’s a very expensive camera you know.
W: But I tell you that I didn’t take it. I remember clearly that you put it on the dressing table.
Q: What does the woman say about the camera?

6. W: There is a good comedy on at the theatre Royal next Saturday. If you like, I can book four seats for us.
M: All right. I’ll ask Janet if she is free then. I’ll let you know tomorrow.
Q: What does the woman suggest they do next Saturday?

7. W: We’ve opened the first box. Look! Some of these books are soaked.
M: They should’ve used waterproof wrappings. What are we going to do about it? It’s too late to order replacements.
Q: What do we learn about the conversation?

8. W: Professor Johnson said you can pick up your term paper at her office.
M: So she has graded it?
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?




2014年6月英语四级答案交流 [点击进入专题]
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《大学英语四级》精品班(包括语法、词汇、翻译) 丁雪明 ¥100 / ¥100 报名
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